A-Z Guide

Got a question about the Stadium? Maybe you're wondering where the alcohol free areas are located or the dress code for corporate hospitality? Check out our A-Z Guide for answers.

  • Accessibility

    We want everyone who attends Netstrata Jubilee Stadium to have an enjoyable experience. Accessible parking, seating and toilets are available.

    Parking: There is a limited number of accessible parking spots located on Park Street. Patrons are required to display their parking permit in their window at all times.

    A drop-off/pick-up zone for people with mobility/accessible needs will be provided adjacent to the Stadium, on Park Street on NRL game days.

    Seating: There are some areas of Netstrata Jubilee Stadium which aren’t accessible. However there are designated seats located along the western, southern and eastern concourses. To book a ticket, please call Ticketek's Accessible Seating booking line on 1300 665 915 or view the Ticketek Accessible Seating guide.

    If you arrive at an event with an accessibility requirement which was not accounted for at the time of your booking, our team will do the best they can to re-locate you to an appropriate area however relocation is not always possible.

    Toilets: Accessible toilets are located in the North Stand, under The Deck (Western concourse) and inside Gate B at the rear of the Western grandstand.

  • Alcohol Free area

    The alcohol free area is located on the “Family Hill” (Southern end of Eastern Hill) for St George Illawarra Dragons matches.

    For miscellaneous events, these areas may change and will be signposted.
  • Animals

    All animals including dogs and other pets (with the exception of guide dogs and other certified assistance animals) are not permitted in Netstrata Jubilee Stadium.
  • ATM

    Netstrata Jubilee Stadium does not have ATM facilities. EFTPOS is available at all food and beverage, merchandise and ticketing outlets. The closet ATM is located at St. George Leagues Club, across the road.
  • Baby change facilities

    There are baby change facilities available in all accessible toilets as well as the Family Toilets which are located inside Gate B.
  • Betting facilities

    Netstrata Jubilee Stadium does not have any TAB or betting facilities. The closest betting facilities are located in the St. George Leagues Club, across the road.
  • Bicycles

    There is no designated bicycle parking located at Netstrata Jubilee Stadium.
  • Cameras

    Recording devices with detachable lenses greater than 200mm as well as tripods are not permitted into Netstrata Jubilee Stadium. Selfie sticks and large binoculars are also not permitted.
  • Catering

    Netstrata Jubilee Stadium has a large variety of food and beverage outlets available throughout, with EFTPOS available at all outlets. For most events at Netstrata Jubilee Stadium, the catering outlets open to the public from when gates open.

    All food and beverage outlets located inside the Netstrata Jubilee Stadium are now CASHLESS. 

    Netstrata Jubilee Stadium practices the Responsible Service of Alcohol. All bars close 20 minutes prior to the scheduled full time for Rugby League events.

    See "commercial food" below for additional information. 
  • Cloak room

    Netstrata Jubilee Stadium does not provide cloaking facilities. Large and bulky items cannot be left inside the Stadium gates while you attend events.
  • Commercial food

    Commercial food if not permitted into Netstrata Jubilee Stadium.

    Commercial food is considered food from recognisable food outlets with a registered trademark or foods otherwise known as ‘fast food’. Some examples (but not limited to) are: Subway, McDonald's, KFC, Red Rooster, sushi, fish and chips, pizza etc.

    Homemade foods, packaged snack foods (potato chips, chocolate, lollies etc.) and baby food are permitted into Netstrata Jubilee Stadium. Plastic bottles must be sealed.

    Please note that all alcohol, glass bottles, breakable containers, cans and unsealed beverages are not permitted into Netstrata Jubilee Stadium.

    Please refer to the Conditions of Entry for more information.
  • Conditions of Entry

    Netstrata Jubilee Stadium's Conditions of Entry should be read by all patrons prior to attending the Stadium. 

    We also encourage you to read the Specific Conditions for the different codes which can be found below:

  • Corporate hospitality

    Experience match day in style with a range of hospitality options offered by our Hirers. For more information on the corporate hospitality areas, please refer to the Corporate hospitality page for more information.

    To book corporate hospitality, please contact:

    St George Illawarra Dragons
    Phone: 1300 DRAGON (1300 372 466)
    Email: dragons@dragons.com.au


  • COVID-19 information

    COVID-19 information can be found at our COVIDSafe hub

  • Dress code

    Patrons must be appropriately clothed for a public place. Patrons are required to wear shoes and be fully clothed. Patrons with bare feet will not be permitted entry.

    Corporate hospitality areas will be subject to dress codes with a higher minimum standard than required in general admission areas. As a guide, smart casual attire is to be worn at all times. Strictly no thongs or singlets will be accepted. Team jerseys are permitted. Please refer to the Corporate hospitality page for more information.

    Persons wearing or displaying inappropriate or unauthorised commercial, political, religious or offensive images, logos etc. may be denied entry or asked to remove such items.

  • First aid

    First aid is available at all major events at Netstrata Jubilee Stadium

    Should you require the assistance of first aid, please let one of our Security or Customer Service staff know. 

  • Flags and banners

    Poles (including metal flag poles), sticks or oversized flags/banners (1.5m x 1m with flagpoles over 1.4m), including “selfie sticks” are not permitted into the Netstrata Jubilee Stadium unless otherwise pre-registered with the Club. Specific conditions may apply for some events regarding the entry of flagpoles, flags and banners.

    We ask spectators to be mindful that large flags and banners may restrict other spectator’s viewing capabilities.

    Flags and banners cannot be hung from fences and cannot obstruct signage.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    A list of Frequently Asked Questions, including information covered on this page, can be found here: Frequently Asked Questions

  • Gates

    There are four entrances to Netstrata Jubilee Stadium:

    • Gate A (Jubilee Avenue, behind western grandstand)

    • Gate B (Park Street, northwest corner, western grandstand)

    • Gate C (English Street, behind northern terrace)

    • Gate D (Jubilee Avenue, below stairs, east corner)

    For all events, your match day ticket will indicate which gate to enter and where your seats (if allocated) are located.

    The gate displayed on your ticket is based on your seating location and will be the only gate you will be allowed to enter through. A seating map can be found on the Ticketing page.

  • Lost children

    If your child is lost, please alert the nearest Security or Customer Service staff. Any lost children will remain in the presence of Security or Police until their parent or guardian is located.

  • Lost and found property

    Please check with your nearest Security or Customer Service staff.

    Post-event lost property enquiries may be directed to info.jubileestadium@georgesriver.nsw.gov.au, or by phoning (02) 9587 0139 during business hours. If you choose to email us, please describe your item in as much detail as possible, along with the location of your seats or where you believe the item was lost. 

    Unclaimed lost property will be stored for 60 days.

  • Maintenance

    If you see a maintenance or cleanliness issue, please bring it to the attention of any Security or Customer Service, or text our patron SMS service on 0447 114 397.

  • Media

    Access to Netstrata Jubilee Stadium for the Media is located at the Player’s Gate/OB compound, adjacent to Gate A. The media boxes are located on Level 3 of the Western Grandstand, accessible via the lift.

  • Merchandise

    Merchandise outlets are located inside Gate B (at the back of the Western Grandstand) and The Hill (East). For certain events, an external Merchandise outlet may be trading outside Gate A and in the precinct, outside Gate D.

  • Parking and transport
    • Parking: All information regarding parking can be found here: Parking at Netstrata Jubilee Stadium.
    • Train: The nearest train station is Carlton Station, located approximately 700m away. More information on getting to Netstrata Jubilee Stadium can be found on the Getting here page
    • Bus: Sydney Buses runs the 422 line runs services from the City (Martin Place) to Kogarah Station. 
    • Shuttle bus: At the current time, the shuttle bus service is not operating. Please keep an eye on the Getting here page should this service return in the future.
    • Taxi: There is no designated taxi rank at Netstrata Jubilee Stadium. The closest available is at St. George Leagues Club.
  • Pass outs

    Pass outs are available to patrons at the gate specified on their entry ticket.

    Patrons are able to exit and re-enter the Venue by scanning their tickets at the entry gate listed on their ticket. Failure to do so will result in you not being able to re-enter the Stadium.

    Pass-outs are available until 20 minutes prior to the scheduled full time.

  • Patron SMS service

    To report any issues during an event, please SMS 0447 114 397 with your location and issue

  • Prams and strollers

    Prams and strollers are permitted into the venue however for safety reasons, must be stowed underneath seats. Prams and strollers should not be left inside gates as they are not monitored by staff.

  • Prohibited items

    Items not permitted into Netstrata Jubilee Stadium include:

    • illegal substances/illicit drugs or alcohol of any form

    • cans, glass bottles, breakable containers, unsealed beverages of any kind

    • commercial fast foods (food from recognisable food outlets with a registered trademark or otherwise known as ‘fast food’. This could include, but is not limited to: McDonald’s, KFC, Red Rooster, Subway, fish and chips, sushi, pizza, etc.)

    • skateboards, rollerblades, bicycles

    • recording devices for commercial purposes, including any lenses over 200mm

    • flares, fireworks and explosives or missiles of any description, e.g. balls, frisbees, register rolls

    • chopped or shredded paper which could be used as confetti, as well as register rolls, streamers or other items deemed as confetti

    • selfie sticks, flags or banners over the following dimensions: 1.5m x 1m with flagpoles over 1.4m. All flags and banners must be pre-registered

    • weapons, knives or imitation weapons, laser pointers, aerosol air horns, musical instruments or whistles

    • coolers/eskies larger than 30cm L x 20cm W x 35cm H

    • any large item that cannot be placed safely under a seat

    • the carriage and operation of drones (or any such aircraft)

  • Road closures

    Traffic is expected to be heavy in both directions on the Princes Highway approaching Kogarah as crowds travel to and from the stadium. If you have to drive, allow extra travel time and plan to arrive early.

    Local roads around the stadium will close ahead of kick off including Jubilee Avenue, Park Street and English Street. Roads will re-open once crowds have cleared the area.

    More information regarding road closures can be found on the Getting here page.

    For public transport service information or to plan your trip, visit www.transportnsw.info or call 131 500 for full services and timetables.

  • Seating map

    You can view the seating map which includes location of bays here.

    If you have a question regarding your seating, please call Ticketek on 132 849.

  • Smoking

    Netstrata Jubilee Stadium is a non-smoking Stadium (including e-cigarettes and vapes).

    If you wish to smoke, pass outs are available to patrons at all gates. Patrons are required to scan their valid ticket out of the Stadium and rescan upon re-entry to the Stadium. Failure to do so will result in you not being able to re-enter the Stadium.

    Pass-outs are available until 20 minutes prior to the scheduled full time.

    The Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 “4 metre law” requires patrons to move four (4) meters away from the entry point to smoke.

  • Ticketing

    We encourage patrons to pre-purchase tickets through Ticketek by 13 28 49 or visiting the Ticketek website.

    Tickets for all major events are available from Ticketek or at the Box Office on event day (subject to availability). The Box Office is located at Gate D (Jubilee Avenue).

    Ticket information (subject to event):

    • Family ticket: Family of 4 (admits 4) (2 adults and 2 juniors or 1 adult and 3 juniors)

    • Junior ticket: 5-16 years inclusive. Children aged 4 and under are admitted free of charge when not occupying a seat.

    • Concession: Must hold a current Secondary Student card; Full-time Tertiary card; Australian Government Concession card; TPI card; VET Affairs Gold card or Senior's card. Patrons must show ID upon request

    You can view the seating map which includes location of bays here.

    If you have a question regarding your seating, please call Ticketek for more information.

  • Umbrellas

    Umbrellas may be brought into the Stadium however cannot be opened in the seating bowl. The use of umbrellas within the Stadium should take into account patron comfort.

    Please note umbrellas are considered a prohibited item for Asian Champions League matches.

  • Undercover seating

    Netstrata Jubilee Stadium has a wide variety of seating options. The Upper Grandstand and Lower Grandstand has plenty of undercover seating and provide the most protection from the rain. The front rows of both levels may get wet dependant on wind direction. All other areas of the Stadium are not undercover, so pack a poncho!

    If you’re still not sure of something, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions or get in contact (call 02 9587 0139 or email info.jubileestadium@georgesriver.nsw.gov.au) and we’ll get back to you ASAP.